Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Training....teaching Lilly 'mine'

Love it when she waits for permission!!! :)
Sometimes she is too excited but she is doing so well.
AND...she loves her treats!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Love the peace sign.  Now she's stylin'!  :)
A big thank you to Aunt Suzanne!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wearing pink in support of breast cancer!

Lilly had her first big outing today in support of breast cancer, and she wore her pink!!!  More proof that the training does work!  She pulled a bit early on with all of the new and exciting people, sounds and smells.  Then, of course, a bit of jumping to say hello to her new friends, but she was AMAZING!  Even as excited as she was, we quickly realized that she was still listening to our commands.  After the initial excitement of meeting new friends, there was no pulling on her leash either.  We are so proud of our girl!!!  We must have had hundreds of comments on her beauty, personality and sweetness.  Go Lilly!!!!

Early morning arrival.  She's getting BIG! :)

Our little piece of perfection (or the 'Brick' as her vet calls her.
Loving it all the way, she was a trooper and walked a 5K today.