Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A new beginning...

Lilly has arrived, and we think that she is a GENIUS!!!  Saturday, February 5, we picked Lilly up from the airport, and it seemed as if she was comfortable with us right away.  She was sleeping on my lap on the way home and loved playing in the grass once we arrived.

She's fast!!!

After some fun in the sun, Lilly continued to play with more toys and explore the house.  She seemed to feel as if she was home right away!  Being the obsessive person I am, I could not forget to make sure Lilly was getting comfortable with her crate.  By bed time, she happily got in crate, but then....the howling began.  Yes, howling...not whining! :)  Some how, a few minutes filled with words of comfort calmed her down, and she fell asleep.  We were up about 5 or 6 times 'taking care of business'.

Thanks for the Puppy Bones Nancy! 

Super Bowl Sunday was full of excitement!!!
I started our day with a 4:50 AM wake up call and the fun began.
The genius moments begin...
By Sunday morning, Lilly was already responding to her name.  Next teaching
her 'Leave it' (she's a chewer/biter), down and sit.  She is catching on quickly.  She has also already discovered how to get water from the water cooler.  Definitely have to work on that before she grows tall enough to do something about it on her own.

Thanks for the toy Kim!!!

She loves her new bed!

What this face! :)  She has already discovered how to climb OVER her safety gate!

Steve and I want to that Janet Wright at Okefeild Acres (www.okefeildacres.com) for taking  such wonderful care of Lilly when she was brought in to this world!!!

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